Dr. Mark Holley is involved in the following projects:
Nautical Archaeology Society in Northwestern Michigan – nasnmc.com

The NAS International Training Program is hosted by Northwestern Michigan College and is open to anybody who is interested in learning more about maritime and underwater archaeology. Internationally recognised, it provides students the knowledge and skills to participate in projects around the world. With a modular structure and a choice of specialist courses the program offers students the opportunity to develop both basic and advanced skills in archaeological surveying.
Inner Hebrides Crannogs – crannogs.com
A website based on Mark Holley’s PhD thesis entitled “The Artificial Islets of the Central Inner Hebrides” which was based on his extensive field-work on the crannogs, artificial islands dateable to the Later Prehistoric, of Scotland, U.K.
Archaeology Learning Environment – learnarchaeology.com
Archaeologists study past cultures by examining artefacts, objects made, used, or changed by humans. Anthropology is the study of humans and non-human primates. This website supports a Virtual Learning Environment for teaching materials for Cultural Anthropology and Underwater Archaeology courses at North Western Michigan College. The website also has links to the Nautical Archaeology Society at Northwest Michigan College which hosts NAS courses in North Western Michigan.
Center for Maritime/Underwater Resource Management – www.cmurm.org
The Center for Maritime & Underwater Resource Management (CMURM) (pronounced: sea-merm) was organized in 1994 as a research and outreach unit of the Department of Park, Recreation and Tourism Resources at Michigan State University. The Center was reorganized in 2000 to better serve the needs of those involved in research, management, and development of maritime heritage and other coastal and underwater resources. CMURM provides services in applied archaeological and social research, scientific studies in management and development, and technology transfer to clients in industry, academia, and government. It encourages and facilitates the use of private-public partnerships in research, management, and development. Areas of specialization include historic shipwrecks, marine parks and protected areas, water-based recreation, coastal and heritage tourism, and scientific diving.
Grand Traverse Bay Underwater Preserve – www.gtbup.org
Promoting underwater tourism and recreational diving in the Grand Traverse Bay area. Provides mission information, news, sponsor list, and related links.
Nautilus Marine Group International – www.nautilusmarinegroup.net
A company serving industry and government in the United States and abroad. They provide services in the unique underwater environments of coastal and inland waterways. These services support a wide variety of marine activities such as navigational charting, channel maintenance, construction management, structural inspection, pipeline routing, and archeology.